Users may be created using the Web Portal or by a Node (for example, a LASP, Access Portal, or Retailer).
Node SHALL inform the user that a User will be created, why it is being created, and that an email notification will follow.
Nodes acting on behalf of standard Users cannot create a new full access User; Users may only create a new User of the same or lesser UserClass.
If not provided, language will be selected based on the Account’s country.
If not provided, a random password will be generated.
Authorization: SAML2 assertion=[Assertion]
HTTP 201 Created
Location: [BaseURL]/Account/{AccountID}/User/{UserID}
A reference to the newly created User
In the following example a Node acting on behalf of a User with a sufficient @UserClass createst a new full access User within an existing Account.
POST /rest/2015/02/Account/urn:dece:accountid:org:dece:D39621A70BA347A6B098054512DCDE26/User HTTP/1.1
Authorization: SAML2 assertion=[Assertion]
Content-type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<User UserClass="urn:dece:role:user:class:full" UserID="urn:dece:userid:org:dece:6EB44425B9814DDFB9E7F70C31A184C7" xmlns="">
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Date: [Date]
X-transaction-info: [TransactionInfo]